Happy blogging

The first post, finally!!

Suddenly I wanted to write something, the point about the reason why I'm interested in the world of blogging. Where once never thought to write something that could read all those, but as I grow old I felt a freedom to share to all my friends wherever you are.

I was lucky to be born in modern-paced era, where technology has become everyone's needs. Small children to adults and grandparents all need technology, small sample we can see in our own neighborhood or outside of our environment. Just imagine if today we do not have the technology tools that we call mobile (HP)? It seems people who do not use outdated hp well, I own a mobile phone although I used to hold only hp but I feel the need to have it. Once the first time have a phone I loved it until I looked at every day _LOL: D * flashy mode on *

Back to the reason why I'm interested in blogging. Well .. possible blog is still a new world for kids my age but I hope I can be comfortable writing through this blog. Writing is an activity that often I am obliged to do, although not through the blog I regularly keep a diary, a diary I only fill about things I experienced at school or about my family. So hopefully in the beginning with this day I will write a diary online through blogging world. That's all my writing today, happy blogging.
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Quotes of the Day

It's amazing how pervasive food is. Every second commercial is for food. Every second TV episode takes place around a meal. In the city, you can't go ten feet without seeing or smelling a restaurant. There are 20 foot high hamburgers up on billboards. I am acutely aware of food, and its omnipresence is astounding.

~ Adam Scott ~
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